Destiny Achievement Center accommodates both mainstream students and students with unique abilities. DAC staff and specialists are trained to support students at a wide range of academic levels. We strive to model celebration, tolerance and inclusion of others regardless of their unique ability. You will hear us use the term “unique ability” often in place of “disability” because it is our belief that every individual was created in the image and likeness of God and that in Him there is no “disability” only abilities manifest in unique ways. As children and young adults understand this foundationally, they will begin to display a deeper level of tolerance, understanding and godly love toward others.

Our Philosophy
The Bible teaches that as parents, family and the wider community of Faith that we are to “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” In this rather familiar bible verse, many put the emphasis on the phrase “train up”, but at Destiny Achievement Center we focus on “the way”. Every student that walks on to the DAC campus is uniquely individual and therefore has a uniquely individualized way that they learn. With the help of proven diagnostic tools, we tailor each student’s learning experience to accentuate their way of learning. In so doing, students gain confidence in their own scholastic progress and become highly motivated toward academic success.
Your Student’s Destiny Begins Today!

Whether your student is an overachiever or needs extra support, at Destiny Achievement Center we accommodate both mainstream students and students with unique abilities.
Our staff and specialists are trained to support students at a wide range of academic levels. We strive to model celebration, tolerance, and inclusion of others, regardless of their unique ability. We utilize individualized diagnostic testing to ensure students are placed at the academic level that is right for them and that will best meet their needs and academic goals.
If your child needs support to achieve their academic goals, we partner with some of the best providers of therapeutic services in our community. Those services include:
Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Therapy
Speech Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Individual and Family Counseling